Utah Passport: g84cso

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Western Family

While at a class in Ogden, Saturday, the hostess was telling me about the FREE stuff she was getting from Western Family. I looked into it a bit more and found this site, My Western Family. After you watch a little video you get to print a coupon good for a FREE item (this changes weekly). This week it is Western Family Apple Sauce. To find a store participating in this great deal click here (this looks like it may be available to most of the western US).

Thanks Katrina for letting me about this!

~If any of you out there know about any other great deals and would be willing to share either post a comment or email me and I will post it.

Oh, and by the way Applesauce is an awesome substitute for oil in your baking. I just add the same amout of applesauce that the recipe called for oil. It doesn't flavor it it just makes it moist AND lower in fat! LOVE IT!

2 Happy Shoppers:

Megan and Jon said...

Did someone say free.. I LOVE IT>. Headed there now

Anonymous said...

Why such great savings at Albertson's on Tuesday? Is that only because you are using the grocerysmart website and newspaper coupons or also because Albertson's was having a special event that day? Like doubling coupons or something? Also, how many copies of the newspaper do you get? Totally interested in all of this. Thanks!!